Monday 9 November 2015

Magma revolution

Magma poetry Magazine are looking for submissions on the theme of Revolution.

They say:
For Magma 65 we’re looking for poems that respond to the idea of revolution in the here and now. Perhaps your poem will show a new form breaking though or reflect on politics and conflict. Or perhaps you will focus on the strangeness of living in the 21st century, on “the revolutionary potential of everyday life” as Michel de Certeau and Henri Lefebvre put it, writing squarely in the tradition of Baudelaire, the first poet to see daily life in the streets of Paris as revolutionary.
We’d be delighted to receive poems in which the revolutionary intervenes in daily life whether politically as in Heaney’s The Toome Road or even A Constable Calls; or personally as in Dickinson’s “Because I could not stop for Death / He kindly stopped for me”, Frost’sThe Road Not Taken, Bishop’s Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore or Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman; or stylistically as in Paul Stephenson’s poem in Magma 58 where all 25 lines end perfectly logically with “beetroot”.
Please send us your poems by Submittable 
Deadline: 31st January 2016 

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