Friday 13 November 2015

Poet in Residence at the Annual Dublin Science Hack Day

I am very much looking forward to being the first official Poet in Residence at the Annual Dublin Science Hack Day this weekend in UCD.

What is it?
Science Hack Day is a 36 hr hardware and software hackathon. Taking place 14th & 15th of November 2015.  A social event with creativity and love of science at its heart.  Each year we bring together, designers, coders, scientists, engineers and makers. Simply to make interesting things. Why? For adventure, for playfulness, for science!
Their funny, illuminating FAQ is here.
Above all Science Hack Day is a Hackaton for everyone. We strive to create a welcoming and social event where people working together and sharing their skills  just makes sense.. We want Science Hack Day to include people of all races, all genders, all level of experience, all religious beliefs, and all sexual orientations. We believe a good hackaton should reflect the society it takes place in, by excluding anyone it is the event that misses out.
I have a Physics degree and with years of working in techy areas, I love exploring the crossovers. Poetry and Science and all the spaces in between.(See what I did there?!)

So 299 hackers and one poet/hacker. Whoop whoop.

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